A Jewel of a Friend

Friends come and go.

This statement makes me smile, then turns around and makes me ponder. Such light and love and laughter enter into our lives. Sometimes for years. Sometimes for a season. Rather than walking the path of ponder, I pray we will see each friend as a Jewel that graciously shone her radiance in our lives.

How beautiful to wear a crown lit up by the hearts of friends!

A friend came.

There. 🙂 That’s better. 😉

A Smile that Proclaims

Good Morning, Lord

I have very little pressing on my heart, but a world swirling in the back of my mind. Plans, goals, dreams, concerns, ponderings…. just swirling in the back of my mind clouded over by the laziness of busy summer days.

. . .

Lord, here I sit eight hours later with a full heart and a happy face. There are so many gifts that you supply us with day by day. But, Father, the gift of girlfriends is a gift I cannot get enough of.

I cannot find the word of gratitude to cast at your feet.

Simply, Father, Selah.

May my unspoken words of pause and worship convey the depth of value we receive in your gift of girlfriends.

And, Lord, I pray you will heap up the words shared in girl chatter -far and wide- and pour them out in ways only You can. Burning Bush kind of ways!

Oh, Lord, how great is your love for each of us, your daughters.

We love you with abundant gratitude.

May our worship of You be seen in our smiles and giggles.



Lord, I’m all but giggling by myself on my couch in the quietness of my writing space looking out at the bright, blue sky while contemplating my new schedule.

Summer time schedule.

Yep, I giggle again! God, as much as I desire to curl up with all the fiction books and soak up all the Sunshine, I do pray you will go before me in productivity and advancement. To pray specifically in those matters in farther than my sun-kissed skin can allow, but You, Lord, always make a way for my brain to function and Your Spirit to lead.

So, Lord Jesus, I pray for all our summer time schedules.

I pray your Spirit will lead.

I pray our hearts will refresh.

I pray our brains will quiet.

I pray our days will slow.

I pray we will stop and think and whisper and silence our normalcies so we can breathe in your creation, your will, your way, your purpose and your REST.

Ah, Lord, summertime. How my heart skips a beat…

Fantastic photo by @groverst 🙂 … link to follow my brilliant friend on Instagram