What’s Your Word

You fill my heart with such joy. To walk life with you is my favorite blessing. How spoiled am I to call you friend! You are my smile, my world, my everything. I love you.

Don’t you love how the power of words can stir your heart with abundant joy and happiness?!

Here’s my challenge for us this day.

  • Grab a paper and pen or open your notes app.
  • Pen your words. Not the ones you want to say or that you plan on saying, but the ones you just said. Write it down.
  • Learn to hear yourself when you talk.

You know, you won’t be the only one who is listening to what you say today. Your words are being heard all day and by various ears. My challenge is that you add yourself to the list of individuals who are listening to you.

At the end of the day, sit with your list. Reread your words. Note how your heart feels. Consider the emotion that flows through you with each statement. And then decide how built up you feel from your own words.

This will be a great exercise to see how well we build up our people by our words. There are times we speak without consequence. There are times we unknowingly break a heart. There are times we purposely build up another. And there are times our words fly farther and wider than we ever thought possible, good or bad. Do you see how beneficial it would be to become a student of our own word habits? 

The Question is: What’s your word?

The Challenge: Write your words.

The Goal: to learn a little more about your speech habits and about your hearer’s heart.

For some this this will be fun. For some it will be difficult. For all it will be an opportunity to grow in love.

Here’s Our Strength for the Day

Ephesians 4:29-32. This passage is our Sword for the day. Let us not simply know the Word of God. Let us use His Word! Perhaps you want to write these verses on the top of your Homework Assignment page. Perhaps you want to memorize a portion of this passage. Or perhaps you want to take these verses to God in prayer before, during and/or after this challenge. 

Good luck, have fun, and Happy Word Day to you and yours!

Your Sister,


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