God, How Do You Want Me to Honor The Sabbath?

Father, I’m sitting here with Isaiah 58:13-14 open before me and wondering, “how do I honor the Sabbath today?” And, I don’t know. Help me as I PrayTalkRead!

Ugh. My thoughts are running faster than my prayers. God, steal my thoughts and settle them in conversation with you. Help me to speak my words, and, Father God, speak your words to my heart.

Here are my words: Sabbath is altogether different in our day than it was for the Israelites once upon a time. Right? For one thing, our Christian culture celebrates the Lord’s day on Sunday rather than the traditional Saturday. But, not really, because many churches offer both Saturday and Sunday services. Which, I suppose, allows us to choose which “Sabbath” is best for our schedule.

Lord, how do you want me, as a modern day Christian, to honor the Sabbath? And, God, I ask that you open my eyes to the correct answer.

Truly, I am confused.

Here’s why. I live in a city that is largely populated with a religious belief that they are not to do anything on Sunday. Nothing. This is seen with quizzical opinions by those who are free from the chain of this forced religious behavior.

I don’t want to be compared to a religion in my approach of honoring the sabbath. I don’t.

Hmmmm. Father, I smile. I feel like you just opened my eyes!

Here are your words pressed on my heart: This whole chapter is about fasting, fake fasting and heart-led fasting. Then the chapter concludes with, “if you turn back your foot from the Sabbath…”

See the connection between fasting and Sabbath honoring?

It’s not about self.

Just as fake fasting affects all the people around you in a negative light, so does dishonoring My Day with your selfish gain shed a negative light to My Name.

But, and if, you full heartedly embrace the gift of My Holy Day by keeping your thoughts, actions and intentions to the benefit of My Holy Name, then the Light of my Love will shine forth upon all those around you.

Therefore, Set your affections on things above not on things of this world.

Father God, in this simplistic love for you, I will honor you and your sweet Sabbath. Thank you for prayer and conversation and Scripture! And, thank you for wisdom.

I love you!!

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