Today. It’s a Gift.

Father, sometimes Scripture feels so entirely cliché. It’s annoying. Am I allowed to say that? The Scripture clearly isn’t annoying, but the redundancy without practicality is annoying.

Lord, I am guilty of it, for sure. I cling to my favorite verses. I smile when I hear certain ones. I head nod with fervency when others are proclaimed from the pulpit. Then I carry on with my day and forget where to put my steps.

Father, I pray that I will regard today (Tuesday, July 30) as a gift given to me from the Creator of days. Lord, I pray that before my time with you is over, I will have a purpose set on watch for this day. I pray I will record it before my eyes, so I may press my feet on that solid determination. That I will know my steps.


Oh, Lord, Sunday morning in worship we sang the words, “I’ve seen you move mountains, and I believe I’ll see you do it again.” Lord, I heard your voice upon my heart declare, “This week with Peyton is yours. I’ve moved mountains in the mundane of days before, I will do it again.”

Oh, Sweet God, I pray I will open my eyes to this mundane day. That I will be present in the little things. That I will rejoice in the pro scooter chatter and relish in the boy-ness of his soul. Use my words, my touch, my laughter, my silence to fill him in the way you need him to fill.

Father, I pray for the gift of Today that you have given to my friend, your Daughter. I pray healing upon her today. I pray purpose upon the movements of her mind and body. I pray her eyes will see the simple truth laid before her. I pray her ears will hear joy in the company that surrounds her. Oh, Lord, days are hard at times. People are challenging. Both health and healing can hurt.

Oh, but God! You have made all things good. You are in the everything of her life. You have moved mountains. God place that seed of faith before her. God, remind your Daughter that You will do it again!

I pray this truth in the Name of Jesus Christ.


It’s Not Selfish

Last weekend of July. This means there are just a few weekends left before the fall routine kicks in. I hope we all purpose to take some time to sit and soak in a lazy minute.

It’s not selfish. It’s vital for our health.

And, if you think about it, it’s an act of worship and thankfulness to the creator of the sun, the warmth, and the very season of summer.

Somehow we have entered a required mindset of “ever-busy.” Our brains are always on, always engaged.

I wonder if this is why we wonder at the idea of listening to the whisper of the spirit.

Imagine the surprise if we purpose to “selfishly” sit for a lazy minute, and in that moment of worship, we hear the voice of God.

Friend, to sit is not selfish. It is vital for our health, physical and spiritual. Goodness, it is good for our mental and emotional health too. Odds are it would benefit our sexual health, but that’s another post…

I guess the question is, Can we do it? Do we have it in us to be lazy with a purpose?

Not in an attempt to force the hearing of his voice (we’ve all done that, right?! As if we can hyper-determine the voice of God to enter our earholes🤦🏼‍♀️), but in attempt to simply sit in silent appreciation of our surrounding. Breathe it in. Soak it up. Settle down. Steady. Relax. Sit. Thankfulness. Worship.

Is there a place you can visit for a few minutes without anything in your hand or in your ear to distract your brain from peaceful sitting?

May we purpose to be Selfish these last remaining summer weeks.

Daisies by @groverst

Simply She

She had no idea how big the world was on the other side. She stood there embraced in her feather trimmed pea coat pressing her face against the glass and saw.

An aged man strolling down the path holding the hand of his bride. His wrinkles settled in comfortably above his intent expression and around the corners of his mouth as he engaged in their private conversation.

A woman whose long brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail ran past the aged couple. They smiled at the small human inside the stroller. Their gaze followed the carriage until the mom turned the corner out of sight. Their smiles faded away in a unified manner. Silence overtook their steps.

Watching from afar she wondered the depth of the story that unfolded on the other side. Life, she whispered to her own soul. If I passed before someone’s gaze, what would they see?