April 8, 2019

Oh, Lord, the breathe in me is often taken aback by you. Your faithful fingerprints in all things new. You take the raw signs of winter and exhale evidence of spring little by little, bud by bud. I’ve never purposed to watch grass grow, but, Lord, this is how my childlike Wonder feels this spring. Each morning running to the window to, ah, to smile at what you have done through the night, through the rain, through the wait. Yes, Lord, every morning, your mercies are surely new!

April 7, 2019


I’m sitting here in my backyard smelling the sweet scent of rain falling on freshly cut grass declaring the works of your hand. How mighty is your creation! To think of all that your voice created, I was the one you formed for your glory. How small, how humbling, how magnificent it feels to be chosen by you. I love you.