Shut Your Face

If you have been foolish in lifting up yourself, or if you have thought evil, put your hand on your mouth. Proverbs 30:32

In other words … stop talking; shut up. Pretty simple instructions here, huh. So why is it so hard to stop our lips from running? Sometimes it’s easy. Sometimes it’s a breeze. Sometimes we wonder why other people have such a hard time with simply zipping it.

Sometimes we fail. Sometimes we don’t think twice about reining in our words until later that day when we think to ourselves, “Uh. I probably shouldn’t have said that.” Sometimes. Read more

A Prayer for My Son

Heavenly Father,

Lord, Thank you for the gift of open prayer. Being able to express my heart to yours at any given time of day for any little thing that is before me is … an an undeniable Gift from You. A gift that I pray will never be neglected in my relationship with you.

Lord, I pray for my son, for his class, for his elementary school. God, I am so beyond ready for this school year, this education saga, to come to an end. For us, it ends in 7 weeks! But the battle of our nation’s education is on going. My heart is indignant over this “Post-Truth” era these kids are having to face. It’s easy for me to do my part in the life of my son … I am a stay at home woman with a teaching degree and a long history of home educating multiple students. To decide to home school my son is an easy decision for my husband and I to make.

But what about his classmates? Children who are being told they are below average, that they cannot achieve their dreams due to their below average grade scores, that they will have to “settle for military service” due to their low GPA’s?

I hear myself say, “I am so over this education system!” But … what does that even mean? What does that accomplish? How do those few words fix the problem?

Lord, I’m just me. But I am just me with knees and a voice. And I come boldly before your throne seeking help in this national time of need. I pray that I will use my knees to do my part for this sweet, vulnerable, young generation! And, Lord, I pray if and when you can use my voice to speak up for them – I will be ready. Ready in heart, in mind, in your Power, and filled with your Word!

Be with my son today. Protect his heart, give attention to his ears, guard his mind, and fill him with wisdom, your wisdom. That promised wisdom from above given to all who ask as stated in James. Lord, I pray not these words for my son alone, but for the children in his class, for the children of my friends, and for the children who desire to learn, to simply … attain true academic knowledge. Oh, to feel ignorant is a dreadful feeling in the heart of a child. I know. I hated it so dearly that growing up I desired nothing less than to become a teacher in order to build up any child that came under my care.

Father, thank you for giving us the sweet gift of children. Thank you for loving them more than we ever could, and thank you for equipping us with wisdom and with the sense to protect them and pray for them in order to train each of them for your glory and your honor.

And may I pray that you will work in the hearts and minds of every principal and teacher nation wide. I pray that you will open the door and pave the way for the out pouring of truth from their daily lessons to every child’s ear. Truth is what these children need. Truth is what you said will prevail and set free. Truth is what You are! You are truth, you are life, you are the way! Be Truth, I pray, to this generation! And I heartily pray that you will speak Truth to classrooms, schools, Colleges and Universities today!

Ah, how Ever Faithful You are!

Thank you, Lord, for hearing my words, caring for my heart’s desire, and loving me.

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men liberally and without criticism, and it will be given. James 1:5 (MEV)